jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

Goodbye :)

For me the blog´s activities was a very good idea to motivate the art of writing in us, besides that now I can create blogs of my personal knowledge fields so in general terms the blog´s writing experience was a nice one. My writing skills got a good development through the weeks, but it  still  not enough. When I was in high school I tended to write a lot more, that time  was my highest level of writing  anyway I feel that the blog experience gave me  an increase of my current abilities and that´s always welcome .

In the future I would like to write about table tennis and fitness workouts, and how both can be used to help children in social danger also  I would like to create a blog of the places I will travel in the future  as a reminder.

Other thing that I found cool about the blogs, is that through my classmate’s writings I got to know them better, because there are plenty of them that I don´t know. I really enjoyed the blog activity and I would repeat it anytime because it is fun and helps to build writing skills. 

Thanks for reading =)

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

A Momment of Success

I remember a time when I was in high school and I had to expose about a musical group. In that time I used to be a huge fan of progressive rock so I choosed Rush, a progressive rock band from the `70. In that time in my school, the English class was quite intensive we had six pedagogic hours per week. The exposure must last at least ten minutes; I remember  I practiced a week. When the day came I was very nervous but when it was my turn to exposure don't know how suddenly I became relaxed and my exposure was quite fluid.

My grade in the exposure was a seven, the highest one, there were a lot of seven in the class, I have to be honest but my exposure was one of the best and the teacher congratulated me for my fluid English (something I've been missing for lack of practice).

When I was younger I used to play magic, a popular card game in that time I started to play at age of seven but I had a really big problem and that problem was that all the magic cards were in english so I really needed to learn English to understand the game. in my case learning english became an immediate need at that time.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Judas Priest´s concert

In the year 2008 I went to a Judas Priest concert. It was kind of special because it was the first ever concert that I went alone and of course the significance of the band itself. This emblematic band has 39 years old and only had been in Chile only three times, the second time that they came it was in 2008 and it was the time that I go to. The official date of the concert was in 6 of November but I buy the ticket in august I remember it very clearly because at the same time I bought the ticket also I bought the birthday present to my mother then I killed two birds with one shoot.

Anyway I had to go alone to the concert because nobody of my friends and relatives wanted to expend the money of the ticket which was a little bit expensive but all I can say it was worth every penny. The music was perfect all the show was perfect a lot of people went to the concert. The show was in the Movistar Arena Santiago, the 2 hours passed flying I had to struggle all the way in the show to get a closer view but all the suffocation and hits were worthy.

A little video of the event J  

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

My notebook

My notebook is my most used object, I got it since 2008 in that time it was already old (six years old), I use my notebook for my homework, studying and of course entertainment. I use notebook almost every day, I am a routine person and the use of the notebook for me is routine so my life without my notebook would be very uncomfortable. I like my notebook because is very versatile in this little object I can do a lot of things like studying, chat with friends, read and play videogames not the new ones but the old classics for example the Prince of Persia, Doom, wolfenstein 3d etc. Im very fond with my old notebook but in the future I would like to have a new one because this notebook its getting slow and having problems with programs that require higher capabilities but in the meantime I have this old but very loyal friend and I will enjoy it until the end.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Django Unchained.

Django unchained is an action movie starred by Jamie Foxx and Leonardo Dicaprio.

 In the year 1857, in the states a group of slaves were driven by two brothers, when suddenly the journey was interrupted by Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz).  He kills the two brothers and sets free all the slaves but he took one of them Django (Jamie Foxx) as an informant. The Doctor explained to Django why he put his attention on him and that´s because  Django had crucial information to find three highly required criminals. The doctor promised a split of the gains because the doctor was bounty hunter and also the doctor offers his services to Django to find his wife, because the two were separated a long time ago and that is how these two characters start their journey. Django is a long movie (165 minutes) but very fun to watch you will feel that the time pass flying. The director of the movie, Quentin Tarantino his trademark style on this movie like the other he has made like dusk till dawn, kill bill, and the well know pulp fiction.
 The movie was well received by the media, and has been nominated to five academy awards including best picture and Christoph Waltz won a Golden Globe for this movie. 

I really enjoyed the originality of the film and of course the action scene that includes. Quentin Tarantino has special way to produce movies, I feel very comfortable with his style and that is one of    my reasons to watch Django.

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

A new form of intelligence

In my first year in the college, I had to do an essay of Howard Gardner and his work, but who is he? Well Howard Gardner is an American psychologist , he was born in 1949 and he is the author of an important theory, the theory of multiple intelligence. The scope of his work is quite big. First of all his theory was elaborated in a time of a hegemonic conception of intelligence which believes that  people´s intelligence is measured only by their performance in the school tests. Gardner was highly critical about that because of the social stereotypes involved  because society labbels as a fool a person that didn´t had a good performance in the school grades but  doesn´t involve that the person is a real fool, it only means a person doesn´t have the abilities on that particular field. In summary the school was the best predictor of success in the person´s life.

 The theory of multiple intelligence was elaborated in 1983 and dictates that a person have at least seven different and separated intelligences. I like Gardner´s work because it opens a new way of thinking the concept of intelligence and also has opened a new way of teaching. There are many school nowadays that are using  Gardner´s work to create new forms of teaching and get a children's maximum potential.

The seven intelligences are:
Ø  Logic and mathematical intelligence
Ø  Spacial intelligence
Ø  Musical intelligence
Ø  Bodily kinesthetic intelligence
Ø  intrapersonal intelligence
Ø  interpersonal Intelligence
Ø  Naturalist Intelligence

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Hi there!

Has it been a long time since you know something about me? No!! really? That is too bad, but from my part I've missed you and today I´m going to talk about a concert that I went to, that happened six years ago.  In 2007 a concert happened and the band´s name of the concert   is Motorhead. Motorhead is a British band, they were founded in 1975 by Lemmy Kilmister who is the bass player and lead singer they are a part of the new wave of british heavy metal but Lemmy says that motorhead is a rock and roll band. Back in that time (2007) I was finishing my last year in secondary. Back in that time (2007) I was finishing my last year in secondary when I get the new tha motorhead is going to play a concert here in chile I went immediately to buy a ticket, I´ve always liked motorhead they´re a  highly powerful band  of rock and roll but at the same time have simple music and of course they´re a living legends nowadays, so It was kind of  a duty to go to that concert. I went to the concert with two friends and my brother when we got  there It was full so it cost us a little to find a place but then everything went excellent even a get a pick from the guitarrist, mister Phil Campbell, the  band  finished the concert with my favourite song Overkill, a song with a powerfull drums.